The Princess Council[1] comes to order aboard N594a, the space station serving the local wormhole connection to the galactic travel network. Transportation from Origin is provided courtesy of Nova, the Space Princess, who calls the meeting to order once the other four princesses arrive. [1] Currently consisting of the Space Princess (Nova), Knight Princess (Aurora), Pirate Princess (Keelie), Shadow Princess (Specula), and Fairie Princess (Shine). The princesses each list current serious problems affecting their realms which need investigation. Pirates stole a "peace offering" being sent to the Dragon Realm. Space Pirates have not been showing proper respect to the (terrestrial) Pirate Queen of Origin. An otherworldly and inhuman realm is intruding onto Origin, conflicting with the Fairie Realm. A rogue agent of the Shadow Realm needs to be hunted down. The lunar spirits of the Originian moons have gone silent, and Nova's been getting prank phone calls. After some discussion (heated and not), the princesses decide a lunar investigation seems most likely to turn up information on one or more of the problems, and head off in Nova's rocketship. With skillful piloting, it lands on Mun, the smallest of the three moons and thus the most likely place for roguish actors to base themselves. And indeed, as the princesses venture out onto the airless moon a squad of space pirates top a nearby ridge and demand loot, threatening to lay waste to all before them. Nova points out the spaceship before them has the insignia of the Space Confederation (as does she herself), which gives them pause, and then Aurora launches herself at them, which causes their already wavering morale to break completely. They surrender. Keelie berates the captured pirates for their lack of spine and proper pirate decorum in an attempt to soften them up, but sadly they take the lesson to heart and refuse to give away much information besides the name of their ship, Raptor 73, under captain Venom. Keelie removes the spacesuit from the leader of the squad of pirates while Shine, determined the pirates should face some consequence for their actions, turns the remaining space suits into frilly dresses. Nova takes the pirates into her custody and everyone retires back to her ship while she radios for a paddy wagon to pick them up; a ship quickly arrives. Unfortunately, it's not a Space Confederation paddy wagon, but Raptor 73! Keelie, in her stolen suit, impersonates the leader of the captured pirate squad and tries to stall for time, claiming they have treasure, but it's been infected with space leprosy. The Raptor radios back that they'll just disinfect it as usual once it's been unloaded, so get moving! Shine grants Keelie's wish for treasure (albeit fairie treasure, which won't last forever), then Keelie decides that actually she wants everyone to hide in the substantial stack of gold part of the treasure, and rearranges it so there's an empty center that is, sadly, too small for a dragon princess and several other princesses. Keelie then turns to Shine and asks her to shrink them down or something. Annoyed at all the demands, Shine turns everyone into fairies (about the most annoying thing she can think of), shrinking down to proper fairie size herself, and somehow they push the palette holding the trojan pile of gold and treasure far enough out the door for it to slide down the gangplank of the ship. Time passes, with the princesses (moderately) safe inside their pile of gold, but unable to tell what's going on outside. Eventually, Shine gets so annoyed with being surrounded by fairies she grows back to normal size and breaks out of the pile (and, as she looks around, she forgets about the others and they too return to normal size). They find themselves in the hold of a ship, presumably Raptor 73. No one is around, aside from a besotted pirate asleep nearby, but a lot of treasure is, including something that looks a lot like a peace offering intended for the Dragon Realm and loot clearly taken from the surface of Origin. After careful reconnoitering of the treasure hold (and with Keelie's pockets rather fuller than they had been), the princesses start their search of the rest of the ship. The ship is full of sleeping, drunk pirates. However, there is one room with a couple of people working with an Odd Device, who claim to not be pirates (bolstered by their lack of pirately insignia). Nova joins them in looking at the device, and they figure out that it appears to be putting Mun to sleep. After some fiddling with it, Nova manages to hook up a microphone and speaker so they can hopefully talk with Mun. It turns out Mun normally leads quite a regimented life and is enjoying the chance to escape into novel dreams. Unfortunately, Mun has a tendency to punctuate her points with moon quakes, and it's not long before captain Venom throws open the door and demands to know who the interlopers are and what they're up to. Venom (which is to say, Sapphire and her symbiote outfit) is not prepared for the response, as Aurora throws herself at the two and rips them asunder. The symbiote is quickly bagged by Nova, who is prepared for such things, and Keelie lectures Sapphire on piraticality, eventually resulting in Sapphire joining Keelie's crew as a mate third class. Meanwhile, Shine has shrunk back to fairie size and wormed her way into the sleep machine, curling up and going to sleep to share in Mun's dreams, which she uses her magic to alter in uncomfortable ways (such as people traveling to the moon and, finding it made of cheese, eating it!). She then converses with Mun, pointing out dreams are not always pleasant, so eternal slumber is not always a good thing, even if it's a nice break. And she helps Mun realize that, having partaken of dreams, she can now share in the dreams of those she shines down on (well, if their dreams include the moon), so Mun is not entirely unhappy when the machine is finally turned off. Aurora manages to convince Keelie to not lay claim to the peace offering that is rightly the Dragon Realm's, but the backup Nova keeps asking for never arrives, and when she checks in again, the dispatcher claims that Nova had never called them.