We get to the settlement and a trial begins. The court becomes a bit friendlier once Lam demonstrated her Selune stigmata, and we get fined 500 gp and have to perform an escort quest (it seems the elf we'd killed during the previous altercation was not well liked). As we escort Thessalia, dryads ambush us! 3900/6.5 xp. There are trolls on the bridge (not actually that threatening at this point thanks to Akra's firey hammer)! 3600/6.5 xp, 11x 50 gp gemas, a gryphon mount, 110 gp. At West Bridge, we trade the gryphon for a horse (having had our fill of aerial encounters). Finally, we arrive at the Kryptgarden woods, and get paid 750 gp in gems for finishing the escort quest.