The warned campsites get wind of our defeat, and get togther to decide what to do. Some book it, and others form a search and rescue team. After some (mostly failed) scouting, they decide to assault the tower, which is the most likely place for the Heroes of Red Larch to be held. The combat goes moderately well, primarily because of the fire resistance potions everyone quaffed beforehand (and the elks laying waste with multiple crits). The heroes eventually free themselves while they're left unguarded in the general melee and join the fight (somewhat to their regret, as the fireballs commence and they do not have fire resistance). As usual, the sorcerer retreats, along with some minions this time. Lam scores a ring of fire resistance, having merely had to make a deal with a demonic creature for it, and the druids give us a couple of leftover potions of fire resistance before heading off to their druidy business. Eventually, two sprites sent off as scouts return, reporting orcs in a large underground complex under the tower. As with the monastery, we decline to investigate, as above our paygrade.